What is a Hydrosol?
Hydrosols are a by-product of essential oils, made from steam distilling whole plant matter.
It retains the therapeutic qualities of essential oils and can be applied directly to the skin.
Hydrosols contain all of the essence of the plant in every single drop, but in a milder form compared to essential oils, making hydrosols suitable for application where essential oils would be too potent.
Hydrosols are sometimes referred to as Floral Water, however, Hydrosols are much more beneficial than Floral Water.
The difference between Hydrosols and Floral Water is that Hydrosols are whole plant matter slowly distilled into each bottle so that all the benefits of the plant medicine is contained in each drop. It is pure and 100% natural, whereas Floral Water is generally a few drops of essential oil mixed into water along with synthetic chemicals to disperse the essential oil through the water.
For educational purposes – This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness.
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